Pretty & Smart Glossary

Here are some of the terms that I often use in my blog, and quite frankly I am tired of explaining them all!

Jor-Mats: One set of my parents.  Combines The first part of my mom's last name with the first part of my Jack's last name.

PaVas: The other set of my parents.  My dad and step-mom used to live in Pennsylvania, but now live in Virginia.  The PA for Pennsylvania & the VA for Virginia.

Dabies:  Doggie-Babies.  Farrah & Dotty to be exact.

The Aunties:  The Jor-Mats' dogs.  They are aunts to my dogs.  Candy & Cleo to be exact.

D&C:  Dudes & Chicks.  If you thought something else (and you know who you are!) you were incorrect.

ASU: Angelo State University.  My alma mater.  I graduated on Friday the 13th! (12/13/2002)