Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is Austin in Texas or in Pennsylvania?

I have been friends with Jennifer since 1981. Since I was born in 1980 that is pretty much my whole life. Jennifer recently had a baby. Jennifer and her husband now live in State College, PA. Both sets of grandparents still live in the Austin area, and when it was time for Austin to be born, Jennifer's mom brought some Texas dirt to place under the hospital bed, so that Austin would be born over Texas soil. I love it! That was about 9 months ago. 

Just this past month Jennifer and Andrew came to Austin (Texas that is) to have Austin baptized. My mom and I were invited to go, and we really had a great time. Not only did we get to see them, but it was a celebration of Jennifer and Andrew's new family. Thanks for letting us be a part of it! Here are some pictures of the fun time that we had.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Where Have You Been?

So, I have been MIA for awhile.  There has been a lot going on, and I hope to share it all with you in the next few posts. 
The good news that I would like to share is that I have gotten a job.  I am working for the same company that I worked for about two and a half years ago.  I am doing the same job I did when I left this company.  Some may say that it is not a step forward, but I think that this opportunity is going to allow me to do what I really have been called to do.  Teach. 
Since September I have been the Volunteer Confirmation Cooridnator for my church.  More on what that really means soon, but essentially I have been teaching sixth grade Sunday school.  I really love the age group, and I don’t think I would mind teaching them in school too.  I really love math, so the connection is made. 
My plan is to work, and get some undergraduate math classes on my transcript, and go through emergency certification.  The plan has been a moving target for a couple of years, so I hope the target stays still for awhile. 
So, know you know the reason I have been absent.  I have a lot to share with you, and I can’t wait for the next post.