Friday, August 27, 2010

Elmer is a Dragasaur!

One day several weeks ago my day started off really bad.  I will not get into it here, as it has been resolved.  I walked into one of my bosses (I currently have 3) office, and told her that I was leaving and when I returned could she please pretend that it was 8:30.  I needed to start my day again.

Digging through her desk drawers she came up with two options to keep me there.  One a mini bottle of Jack Daniels.  Only to be used in extreme emergencies, and she thought that this situation qualified.  The second option was a McDonald's Happy Meal toy.  I took the second option, after all I was expected to stay AND work.  A little JD would not have been helpful.  The office administrator, Stephanie, offered her 20 multi colered sharpies, and I got to work. 

Elmer was born.  (His name was also supplied by Stephanie.) 

Elmer has been on many adventrues with me.  People do sometimes think its a little weird when I pull out this little plastic toy, but I think its fun and funny in a little bit of an off sort of way.  Really I blame one of my college roommates (Mary) for making me this way.

Here are the latest adventures of Elmer.