Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Read the Blog

When the JorMats left the country I was put into a position that I had not been in before. I have been put in a lot of these different spaces, but the one that still stands out to me now 4 months later is the question, "How are your parents." I have heard many variations, "How are the folks?", "Where are they now?", "When are they coming home?"

I have been the JorMat's daughter for about 30 years now, and I am not used to being asked about my parents so many times. 

I give this post in jest because what they are doing is so wonderful. I am so glad that they are able to get to do go on a world wide adventure. They are really a minority. They have a lot to be envied for.

How am I?  In the past four months James and I have increased our fold by 2 dogs and 5 cats. I have had to figure out how to the get the electricity turned back on after a bird ran into the transformer. The fridge died, and I din't know what to do about that!  We now have a water leak that is slowly turning the front yard into the Elroy Bayou. 

There is a lot to do at our house.  There are sooooo many lives to take care of.  James and I are busy becoming stronger partners for each other.

Ask me.  Ask me how they are.

They are Pretty & Smart.  Read the JorMat blog--Mom gives better details than I can.  I am sure a book will be written too, and as soon as I have the information on that I will pass it along. 

By the way, I am Pretty & Smart too.  I am busy building character, and lengthening the apron strings.  Thanks for asking.

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