Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Never Burn a Bridge

This Thanksgiving will the three year mark since I was laid off (the first time).  The decision was business, and I understand that in my head.  In my heart I had a lot of emotion.  I have written a lot about it here.

I am not sure where I learned it (probably from Eva Jordan) that you should never burn a bridge.  You just never know when you will need it. 

When I think about this idiom I imagine a narrow rope and wood plank bridge stretched accross a very high canyon.  I don't really fear a "fire" but rather the ends of said rope and wood plank bridge giving out, or being cut.

For the past five months I have been back to work for the company that let me go almost three years ago.    I have been working in a "temporary" capacity until now.  On Friday, I will start in my "permanant" capacity.  I kind of laugh at the notion of being a "permanant" employee because I have been "permanant" before, so really what does that mean?

I could say that they wanted me back because I am Pretty & Smart, but that is not the whole story.  Five months ago a friend that I worked with in my previous engagement here said that I was looking for a job.  I got on because when I left, I left with grace and kept my hard feelings to myself, and to those who would not use them against me (ego kind of stuff).  I didn't burn, or cut down that bridge.

I am in an office that I really like, and working with a great group.  I am glad that I am here, and glad that I can rest my mind for a little while.  Can't rest on your laurels either!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Read the Blog

When the JorMats left the country I was put into a position that I had not been in before. I have been put in a lot of these different spaces, but the one that still stands out to me now 4 months later is the question, "How are your parents." I have heard many variations, "How are the folks?", "Where are they now?", "When are they coming home?"

I have been the JorMat's daughter for about 30 years now, and I am not used to being asked about my parents so many times. 

I give this post in jest because what they are doing is so wonderful. I am so glad that they are able to get to do go on a world wide adventure. They are really a minority. They have a lot to be envied for.

How am I?  In the past four months James and I have increased our fold by 2 dogs and 5 cats. I have had to figure out how to the get the electricity turned back on after a bird ran into the transformer. The fridge died, and I din't know what to do about that!  We now have a water leak that is slowly turning the front yard into the Elroy Bayou. 

There is a lot to do at our house.  There are sooooo many lives to take care of.  James and I are busy becoming stronger partners for each other.

Ask me.  Ask me how they are.

They are Pretty & Smart.  Read the JorMat blog--Mom gives better details than I can.  I am sure a book will be written too, and as soon as I have the information on that I will pass it along. 

By the way, I am Pretty & Smart too.  I am busy building character, and lengthening the apron strings.  Thanks for asking.

Monday, September 13, 2010

And the Next Day, and the Next.

This past weekend was the 9th anniversary of that fateful & tragic day in September.

Life does move on, doesn't it? I know that that day for my generation has been likened to assasinations of great leaders, and presidents from our parent's generation. I know that I have not forgotten about it, but the event has moved further to the back of my mind as the years have multiplied.

I was in the last semester of my junior year. (I only had two- I had three semesters as a senior, but that is a different post.) I was in class. I was taking a marketing class, when the professor came in to tell us what had happened. After class the whole business department gathered in the lobby of the building to watch as the second plane crash.

These were the days before this girl owned a cell phone, and you should have seen how many messages were on my machine when I got home! My mother had been sent home from her state government job, and had called about 15 times to check on me. My dad had called a few times too. We just didn't know what was going on, or what to expect next.

Dinner with friends followed. We all wanted to be comforted. I am not sure how we were able to get anything in with them hanging on the floor. Then the next day, then the next day, then the next. 9 years later the next day and the next.

Saturday morning, while trying my best to coif my hair to perfection, and listening to the news on my local NPR station I was turned to tears.

Still unable to wrap by brain around what really happened. Still trying to understand how there can be so much hate towards my culture. I am still troubled by all of it.

All of it.
The hate that those people had for our nation.
The hate that my fellow countrymen have for the religon that has been tried, and convicted in the court of public opinion.
My heart has been changed.
My heart wants the same forgiveness that God had for our whole world.
Now my heart breaks more for the ignorant hate that seems to have invaded our politics, our schools, and our religions around the world.
Won't you pray for them too? My daily struggle is to hope that the same forgivness that I have found in my religion can be found in the hearts of our brothers and sisters around the world.

God's Speed.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Morning Prayer

Glorious God, source of joy and righteousness, enable us as redeemed and forgiven children evermore to rejoice in singing your praises. Grant that what we sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may practice in our lives; so that being doers of the Word and not hearers only, we may receive everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Elmer is a Dragasaur!

One day several weeks ago my day started off really bad.  I will not get into it here, as it has been resolved.  I walked into one of my bosses (I currently have 3) office, and told her that I was leaving and when I returned could she please pretend that it was 8:30.  I needed to start my day again.

Digging through her desk drawers she came up with two options to keep me there.  One a mini bottle of Jack Daniels.  Only to be used in extreme emergencies, and she thought that this situation qualified.  The second option was a McDonald's Happy Meal toy.  I took the second option, after all I was expected to stay AND work.  A little JD would not have been helpful.  The office administrator, Stephanie, offered her 20 multi colered sharpies, and I got to work. 

Elmer was born.  (His name was also supplied by Stephanie.) 

Elmer has been on many adventrues with me.  People do sometimes think its a little weird when I pull out this little plastic toy, but I think its fun and funny in a little bit of an off sort of way.  Really I blame one of my college roommates (Mary) for making me this way.

Here are the latest adventures of Elmer.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Creamy Jalapeno Dip

A friend gave me the basics for the recipie, and here is how I made it.

One big container of cottage cheese.  One medium container of sour cream.  One packet of Ranch Dressing mix. One bunch of cilantro (stems and all).  Two jalapenos (I removed the seeds, and my dip is not spicy, just flavored).  Dump in the blunder and hit liquify.

Easy.  Do it!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ch-ch-ch Changes

What a week it has been. The past 7 days have been filled with to the brim with changes. “My cup runneth over” takes on a whole new meaning for me. My cup is running over, and I can’t find the turn off valve, and I don’t have enough towels to soak everything up! I have had no choice, but to wade around in it.
     Last Tuesday marked the last morning I woke up in my old home. It marked the last time I got ready in my old bathroom. I really liked the duplex. It was our first home that we lived in only as married people. It was the first home that Dotty knew us and our family together. It was a good place for James and I to be together, and in our own space all at the same time.
     Last Wednesday, the JorMats (pictured) left the state and the lower 48. They started their world adventure. You can read about their adventure on Eva’s blog. I suggest starting on the 1st page. It explains why it’s called The Long Way to Kansas. (I came up with the name.)
     Last Thursday and Friday were days to get all the odds and ends into boxes to get ready for Saturday.
Saturday was moving day! 7:45 the door bell rang and in an instant (actually 1.5 hours) all of our worldly possessions were in a truck and on the move. I am so glad that we hired movers. I think we would still be moving (instead of still unpacking) if it wouldn’t have been for them. Saturday night James had a back spasm, so he was down for Sunday cleaning!
     Sunday I spent 6 hours and two trips to get the last of our stuff & dirt out of 6201 Parkwood Drive. I could have used the help, but I did have a good time. Here’s why. I had time to think and meditate. During my cleaning I was sort of in prayer. Prayer for the next steps in my life, and in our life. Prayer for the JorMats that they are safe and careful, and full of adventure and that they come back to me. Prayer for the new family that will live where we have lived and grown for the past three years. I was tired yesterday morning when I got up, but I am home. (Home, home on the range, where the dogs and the kitty cats play. Home, home on the range…)
     It isn’t as strange as you'd think to be renting your parents house. As a kid I only lived here for 3 months (the summer before I went to school in San Angelo), so this has really never been my home. I have visited a lot over the past 12 years, but with addition of my furniture and things it looks like my home now. Slowly, I will feel more and more like home here.
     I am on an adventure too. James and I have goals too. James and I are striving for adventures that will keep us here for now, but may take us away. I am proud of my family. I am proud that we are all in it for each other.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Multi-Faceted Jewel

Two weeks ago I was present to witness 7 young people confirm their baptism.  One of my students was even baptized!  Over the past 9 months I had the honor to teach 7 sixth graders  about the United Methodist Church, about  what it means to be a child of God, and how important it is to go into the world to do Christ’s work.
I was so proud to stand up in front of our congregation to tell them that these 7 students were going to be the newest members of our congregation.  I feel so confident that they will be a shining example of Christ’s hands and feet in the world.
This is the second class of students I have shepparded through the confirmation process.  I plan on another journey again this coming September.  I can’t wait. I hope to grow in my faith in the same exponential rate that I have in the past year and half through the past two classes. 
I often am finding myself searching for a mission. I know that my mission is multi faceted.  What I don’t know is how many facets this jewel will have.  I know that the ministry that I have found is one major part of what will define me in my life in the season that I am in right now. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is Austin in Texas or in Pennsylvania?

I have been friends with Jennifer since 1981. Since I was born in 1980 that is pretty much my whole life. Jennifer recently had a baby. Jennifer and her husband now live in State College, PA. Both sets of grandparents still live in the Austin area, and when it was time for Austin to be born, Jennifer's mom brought some Texas dirt to place under the hospital bed, so that Austin would be born over Texas soil. I love it! That was about 9 months ago. 

Just this past month Jennifer and Andrew came to Austin (Texas that is) to have Austin baptized. My mom and I were invited to go, and we really had a great time. Not only did we get to see them, but it was a celebration of Jennifer and Andrew's new family. Thanks for letting us be a part of it! Here are some pictures of the fun time that we had.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Where Have You Been?

So, I have been MIA for awhile.  There has been a lot going on, and I hope to share it all with you in the next few posts. 
The good news that I would like to share is that I have gotten a job.  I am working for the same company that I worked for about two and a half years ago.  I am doing the same job I did when I left this company.  Some may say that it is not a step forward, but I think that this opportunity is going to allow me to do what I really have been called to do.  Teach. 
Since September I have been the Volunteer Confirmation Cooridnator for my church.  More on what that really means soon, but essentially I have been teaching sixth grade Sunday school.  I really love the age group, and I don’t think I would mind teaching them in school too.  I really love math, so the connection is made. 
My plan is to work, and get some undergraduate math classes on my transcript, and go through emergency certification.  The plan has been a moving target for a couple of years, so I hope the target stays still for awhile. 
So, know you know the reason I have been absent.  I have a lot to share with you, and I can’t wait for the next post.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This is a Story of the Most Amazing Dining Experience.

James and I decided to go to Texas Land and Cattle for dinner on Friday night.   This place is close to our house, and is reasonably priced for a steak.  We have been going to our local Texas Land and Cattle for about 3 years.  In at least the past year, we have noticed a decline in the restaurant, and as such have been making a lot of steak at home.  We didn't want to cook so we decided to take our chance.

I will start from with the moment that we walked into the restaurant.  We were cheerfully greeted.  I was fighting a migraine, and so the slightest amount of politeness is appreciated.  (Don't you like it when people are nice to you anyway, but especially when you don't feel good?)  The nice woman who greeted us, we found out later, was the general manager.

Our server was Phil.  I think that Phil is THE BEST WAITER I HAVE EVER HAD.  He was so friendly and knew what he was doing.  When he brought our tea, he also brought a carafe.  (James and I should have humps like camels, but ours would be filled with iced tea.)  Every time he walked by our table Phil would top off our tea.  AWESOME! (This was just one of the awesome things he did. Over all A+.)

TXLC has recently changed their menu. There are more things to choose from.  At first I thought that this may not be a good move for their business.  If they can't get a steak right, why would they branch out?  My concerns were satisfied when our food arrived.  James had the rib eye.  It was...DELICIOUS.  I had the chicken fried steak (they call it country fried steak--maybe they want to make sure you know its beef and not chicken).  It was... GREAT!

James and I had an opportunity to let Barbara (the GM) know that the changes she has made were noticeable. This morning, James and I were still talking about what a great time we had.
I highly recommend visiting Barbara and Phil at the Texas Land and Cattle on MoPac at Bee Caves Road. (Click on the link for exact directions.)  I may have to start budgeting for a weekly visit.

Here is your lesson:  If someone does a great job, let them know, and let everyone know too.

Barbara & Phil--You are Pretty & Smart!  Keep up the good work.

PS:  I have sent the link to this blog post to Barbara, and to her corporate office.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Giant Remote Anyone?

One evening last week, I was looking for the remote control.  I looked in all the usual places, on top of theTV, on the mantle, in front of the coffee maker, and on the kitchen table.  No luck. 

"Jaaaaames! What did you do with the remote?"
"I was watching TV on the couch.  Did you check there?"

I ran my hands along the cracks, and nothing.  I lifted up the cushion and this is what I found.

It measures 6" X 11".  Easy to find, but it is a two handed operation.

Thank you.  That is all.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Number 3 on my list of favorite animals is the Peacock. (Dogs & Cats tie for 1st & 2nd.)  The Pavas were here over Easter,  James and I were able to share Mayfield Park with them.

For all of you Austinites, you should really go.  James and I often find ourselves there after an early dinner on a nice evening.  We have seen them with chicks, and we have seen them getting ready to roost.

There are a lot of links out there to learn the origin of Mayfield Park, so I suggest you all Google it.

Here is a slide show and video of our time on Saturday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It Just Is

Itinerant. Traveling from place to place. Covering a circuit.

I am a woman, a daughter, a wife, a friend, a leader, and a United Methodist Christian.  I am all of those things at the same time.  I try to cover my circuit with grace.  I love being a part of a denomination that celebrates all the roles that I have.  I love that I am encouraged to be a better woman, a better daughter, a better wife, of course a better christian, and a better leader.  All of these roles allow me to part of the definition of my congregation.

When you refer to a place, how do you do it?  That church on the corner of 2222 & Burnet Road is Heather's church?  The pumpkin church is John & Betty's church?  The church between HEB & Lamar middle school is Valarie's church?  These are all accurate definitions of the church that is my home.

In the United Methodist Church pastors are moved around.  I have heard that being a United Methodist pastor is like being a member of the military.  Once you answer the call to ordained ministry you serve at the direction of the Bishop.  What does that mean?  It means you go where you are told to go.

My husband grew up in a tradition that hired new pastors via application, so the way United Methodists get a new pastor is foreign.   In the UMC all the churches are connected and pastors are appointed by the bishop, as noted above.  This is not to say that congregations do not get some say in who they are pastored by, but change in pastorial leadership is inevitable when you are a United Methodist.

Today, I learned who I will be pastored by for the next season.  This will be the 5th pastor that I have had in the last 18 years.  I have been a member of the same church during these past 18 years.  When change comes about there is uncertainty in the unknown.

I have had a lot of uncertainty in the past few months, so what is something more?  I am sad that David will no longer be my pastor, but I am glad that he will still be my friend.  I am unsure about the future with Paul, but I am excited for the new perspective.

I hope that Paul & Elizabeth will be happy to be a part of the definition of St.John's United Methodist Church. They have subscribed to itinerantcy, and thus the rest of us United Methodists have as well.  This is not the first time I have thought of this concept, but good or bad; it just is.

If we all stay pretty & smart we should be good.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't Throw Objects In the Water for Your Pet to Retreive

This past weekend we went to Brazos Bend State Park.  We loved it so much that we are going to go back in mid April.  I am really excited to be able to spend an extended period in this park.  We are planning on camping for three nights.

Here are some fun things to know about this Texas Gem.  This park is a stop over for many migrating birds.  Brazos Bend is a major attraction for serious bird watchers.  There were two women that pointed out several birds to us, and let us use their binoculars.  Their equipment was as nice and as expensive as James' new love (the Nikon).    Brazos Bend is perfectly positioned at the intersection of five different ecosystems.  I have never seen such variety of flora and fauna.

There were alligators.  If we didn't know this fact before we went we sure knew it once we got there.  Everywhere we saw signs that said "CAUTION! Live Alligators."   

This video is of a male alligator bellowing to females.  We almost peed our pants when this big guy started up.

On the map of the park there are some etiquette tips that one must adhere to when dealing with the Great American Alligator.  One in particular made me laugh:  Don't throw objects into the water for your pet to retrieve.  Do they really need to tell people this?!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today is The Nephew's Birthday!

The Nephew turns 6 today.  
Happy Birthday to my Favorite Nephew!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do You Know How To...?

There are instructions on how to do something every where.  Don't know how to wash that shirt you're wearing?  Well, you have a few options.  First on most washing machines there are instructions on the lid.  Select the amount of water you want in the wash tub, select the temperature of the water, select the cycle. There is even a fabric guide.  Washing machine doesn't have the instructions?  Look on the label!  The label will even tell you how to iron it.
The point here is that there are instructions everywhere.  Anything that you need to do, there are instructions on it.  If you don't believe me then just google how to do something.  More than likely you will be flooded with pages upon pages of how to do X. 
I have been busy looking for a full time job.  There are a lot of instructions on how to look for a job.  Do the instructions give you the right information?  I hate to say it, but I have never gone this long without the next opportunity, and it has only been three weeks.
Unlike washing that shirt the instructions on the job search are not clear & direct.  I like clear & direct. I am not getting clear & direct.
In the next few weeks I will be working on making my daily goals clear & direct.  I think that if I keep one part of this adventure clear & direct I will better handle the 1,000,000 + instructions on how to look for a job.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Muriel England

This past Sunday I had the honor of attending a memorial service for a long time member of my church.  Muriel was 91 when she passed away last Thursday. I can't remember when I first met Muriel, but I have a lot of memories.  One of her daughter's was the first person to know that James and I were going to be engaged. We ran into Susie while ring shopping.

Muriel had a granddaughter that lived in San Angelo, where I went to college.  Every time I came home from school I would see Muriel, and she would tell me that Valerie was waiting for my call.  I never called.  On Sunday I heard Valerie's husband, Neil, speak about Muriel (or Gigi as she was known), how much she was really loved by her whole family.  I finally introduced myself to them, and I wish that I would have called them way back when.

A few years Muriel moved to Sherman, Texas to be close to another one of her daughters.  I hope she knows that she was missed.  I hope that she knows that she is missed still.

Muriel, you are still Pretty & Smart in my book.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Many of you know that I am crafty.  I once held the title of "Craft Queen" at Camp Champions. I know the store layouts Hobby Lobby & Micheal's. (By the way there are several layouts for each chain, and I am familiar with many of them.)  I recently had to re-organize my craft corner.  Crafts take up a lot of room.  One day when I get to design my own home there will be a room just for crafts.  But, I digress.

At the beginning of last fall (as we were waiting for our severance checks) all of us were getting crafty at finding things to do, so we got crafty.  Chantel started to crochet.  I knew how at one time, so I decided to see if it was still in me.  It was, so I started to crochet too.  It seemed like we had dueling crochet needles.  I know that I saw Chantel crochet at least 15 scarves.  (I am lucky to have one of them!) 
A few weekends ago I went to an all girls party.  There were no boys allowed.  The plan:  Learn how to knit.

The muscle memory is way different, and I feel like a foal learning to get her legs under her.  In this case getting my hands around the needles.  I think I have it down. 

Chantel is on the Praireland Tour, and won't be in Austin for another two weeks!  When she gets back I plan on teaching her how to knit too! Let the countdown begin! .......Knit 2....Purl 2....Knit 2...Purl 2...

Friday, March 5, 2010

I Am Going to Let You Down

So, it turns out that the Oscars were a lot closer than I had anticipated.  To be able to watch all of the movies on the list would have been a major undertaking!   I hope that you will be able to watch the Academy Awards on Sunday.  They are on ABC.  I can't wait.  I hope The Hurtlocker wins.  I really, really, really liked it!

Sorry to let you all down.  Pretty & Smart doesn't mean perfect.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

900 + 1 to grow on

Saturday morning my do bell rang.  I opened the door to a box.  A birthday box!  The PaVa's sent me a box full of all kinds of goodies.  At first glance I thought it was party supplies.  There were leis, and party horns.  I dug a little deeper.  Buttons?  Paper clips?

Turns out it was a box of 30 bags full of 30 items plus one to grow on.  I am still laughing, and I hope that it brings a smile for a long time to come.

Here are all of the items laid out together.

30 birthday pencils, 30 bouncing balls, 30 popsicle sticks, 30 rubber bands, 30 paper clips, 30 buttons, 30 rings, 30 rings (there were two different types), 30 leis, 30 party horns, 30 shot glasses, 30 candy bars, 30 kisses, 30 poker chips, 30 pennies, 30 nickles, 30 dimes, 30 quarters, 30 tootsie pops, 30 tootsie rolls, 30 jelly bracelets, 30 drink umbrellas, 30 birthday candles, 30 lips (they're a noise maker too!), 30 stencils, 30 jelly snakes, 30 prisms, 30 whistles, 30 bugs, 30 balloons.

That's 900 items!  The one to grow on?  A pink flamingo.

Thanks Dad & Joan!  The two of you are Pretty & Smart!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Its a New Year

There are many ways to welcome in the new year. There is the traditional and standard way on January 1st--also called the Gregorian Calendar.  It works, and gets everyone on the same page. 

Did you know the Chinese New Year just happened the same day as St. Valentine's Day?  We are now in the year of the Tiger.  There are 12 animals assigned to each year.  The animals cycle, so someone that is 12 years older than you has the same animal sign.  Last year was the year of the Ox.  James is an Ox. Next year will the the year of the Rabbit.  I am a Monkey. 

I had lunch in a Chinese food restaurant last week, and the place mats had the personality traits of people born in those years.  If you have an opportunity you should look up the year that you were born and your assigned animal.  Do the traits fit?  For James & me they fit us almost exactly.  There was just one trait per sign that was the exact opposite of how we behave.

Today is my 30th birthday.  I am starting my New Year today.  Today's date is 30/1 (just for me & my birthday twins- of course)  The last day of my year will be dated 30/365. 
As with any New Year the question of what I am going to be resolute to do or be is forefront in my mind.  Can I make New Year's Resolutions today?  (Yes, of course you can-- you are, after all, pretty AND smart!)

Resolution 1:  Don't yell.  I was once told that if I had a super power it would be my voice.  I could yell or scream you into submission. Certain members of my household have let me know that this is not my best attribute.
Resolution 2:  Be patient with my husband.  He is an Ox, and if you read the description you know that can be a mixed bag.
Resolution 3:  Call my dad at least once a week. I am a grown up now, and its really not important to keep the number of initial phone calls equal. 
Resolution 4:   Be mindful of others. I love to gossip!  Enough said.
Resolution 5:   Be mindful of and for myself.  There is a lot to do this year.  This list is long, and I have to keep up my strength, physically & mentally.

When does your New Year begin?  Are you going to resolve to anything new?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

James is Good at Picking Out Chick Stuff!

So, It turns out that James is good, dare I say GREAT, at picking out chick stuff--As long as its for a computer/electronic device.  Here are the two new gadgets that James has gotten for my new computer.

Wireless Mouse: Logitech V220 Optical Mouse

It may be hard to tell, but it has butterflies & flowers on it (I love butterflies & flowers & James picked it out!).  It is also wireless, which is the whole point of getting a separate mouse.  I love a real mouse, as I am not as proficient with the touch pad.  I like that it is small enough to take with me & the wireless stick slides together with the mouse, so they don't lose each other. James did such a great job on this one!

Laptop Sleeve: BUILT Laptop Sleeve 16"

James picked out the sleeve although I picked out the fabric design.  I just got it in the mail as an early birthday present. Its made of neoprene, & unlike traditional sleeves this one zips on the small end.  I like this feature because I can slide the computer in and out of my backpack with out necessarily taking the sleeve out of the backpack.  There isn't a lot of bulk, and fits right around the computer.  I got the 16" size for my lap top that has a 15.4" screen.  Also the hour glass shape hugs the computer in place. Perfect fit! The sleeve is machine washable, and hangs to dry, so in case it gets dirty or something spilled on it the sleeve is not ruined.  The last great point about this sleeve is that you can put your computer into a large purse making ANY BAG A COMPUTER BAG!  How fabulous is that?!

James, Has anyone ever told you that you are Pretty & Smart?  You are!

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Secret of Kells

One of the movies on my list to review is The Secret of Kells.  I have been searching for where to rent or watch this film.  I heard on the radio this afternoon that the film has not been released in the US yet.  What?!?!? How can it be nominated?

So instead of me reviewing it, I will share what Bob Mondello of NPR had to say.  I want to see this one! 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How Do You Eat an Elephant?

I am well into my first week of not having a job. Wednesday morning was the first breakdown.  I was on my way to running an errand, and since I slept late I didn't see James before he left for work.  I called him on the phone, and he talked me off the ledge.

I have been digesting the things that I learned in the DBM wrokshop.  I basically have not been working for the past three months (even though I have been collecting a paycheck), and the tasks ahead of me are ENOURMOUS.  Its hard not become overwhelmed. 

So here is my plan.  I am going to get up at a decent hour everyday.  I am going to eat breakfast.  I am going to go somwhere (even if its around the block), and I am going to get to work on finding full time work. 

So, How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.   Don't worry-I am not into eating REAL elephants!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Photo Man

It rained, then it sleeted, then it snowed.  It snowed and snowed and snowed.  Yesterday, El Nino attacked Central Texas with a true winter storm.  James went down to Bull Creek with his 2nd love (the camera).  He really got some great shots and I thought that I would share them with you. 

It really took a lot of arm twisting to get these from him, so I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Knowing Who You Are

Today I went to a career develpment workshop.  It was put on by DBM, and the consultant was great.  She was easy to listen to, and the information was good to know.  Elenor provided insight on how resumes get pre-screened by a computer, and how to make sure my resume gets through.

I have a lot of study ahead of me.  I have to study about who I am.  What I have done and how I communicate (I do it loud and directly).  I have to learn about the companies that I am applying to, and I have to come up with questions to ask them.

I guess these are things that I already knew, but the workshop provided strategies to get it done.  I am actually looking forward to practicing articulating what I am all about.  I look forwatrd to putting into better words how pretty & smart I am.

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Last Days at Work - Part II

Today was supposed to be my third last day at work.  I have been keeping a count down, and today was to be the day.  As noted in several past posts, I have been let go from the job I have had for the last two years. 

Two days ago the remaining loan center employees were called together and we were told that we would be done at 3:00 that day.  (There are only 5 people remaining in my old department & that number includes 3 managers.) That was Wednesday so, the way I see it is I got two days of vacation.  I wanted to put this post on the day that I have been counting down to.  I wanted this post to sit for a little while, so could process the early release.

As soon as the Big Boss called us all together I knew the words before she spoke them.  I wasn't sad.  I was RELIEVED!   It has been fifteen months.  Fifteen months ago the company's stock fell to an all time low.  Fourteen months ago half of the department was laid off.  Thirteen months ago we started the new year in high hopes.  Twelve months ago faith began to fade.  Six months ago the FDIC shut us down & the Spanish Overlords took over.  Five months ago we were offered severance.  One month ago we started to wrap up the good byes.  Really, we have been saying good-bye for one year and two months. 

I am glad that this downhill ride is finally over, but I want to tell you my friends that you all have enriched my life like no other.  I will miss eating lunch (and sometimes breakfast) everyday with you all.  Tea Time will be missed.

To you Andrea, Chantel, & Dee you all have become my sisters.  It took me a long time to know what it means to have and be a sister, so I hope you know how you all have impacted me. 

To Dan, Aaron & Omair, You all have been the best male friends I have ever had. Thank you for being my friends.  Thanks for the final Tea Time toast.  You guys rock!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Hurt Locker

This is another one that I saw on DVD.  James had been wanting to see this one for awhile, but we missed it in the theatre. 

Here's the recap:
The story takes place in Iraq.  We are following a team that disarms undetonated bombs.  One of the main team members has been replaced, with a tension that really likes to live on the edge.

This movie is intense.  You never relax, but I think that is proof that the film maker knew what she was doing.  We are constantly reminded that they are out to kill us--well at least on the "battlefield".  The team dos survive the part of the story that we are privy to. 

I did like this movie, and recommend it.  Just be ready to be sitting forward for about 90 minutes.

Jeremy Renner who plays the main character is nominated for Best Actor.  Kathryn Bigleow is nominated for Best Director.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Do You Believe in Karma?

Do you believe in Karma?  Well, I do.  Here is my anecdote of karma in action from Saturday.  James and I were getting breakfast at Einstein's, and I saw a mug that I really liked.  The mug was $2.49, and the first cup of coffee was free-- $0.99 after that.  The order taker had rung me up for the $0.99 refill.  When we got down to the cashier I corrected her and paid the extra $1.50.  Well, honesty pays.  On our way home from our errands of the day another driver caught our attention, and told us that our back tire was low on air.  We were saved about $80 for a new tire! 

I think my honesty made everything line up, so I wouldn't be out the cost of the tire.  I hope being nice and honest is something that makes you happy.   This type of situation happens often to me.  I know because I am aware when strangers are nice and kind.  Reminds me of a carpenter from long ago.  I hope that you find joy in being nice and honest.  People are just waiting to return the gesture.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Talking to Carly

This weekend I went and purchased a new laptop.  I am so glad that I have a computer to call my own.  This is the computer that I bought: 

James has been holding our computer hostage for the whole time we have been living together.  A friend of me told me, "Love means not having to share your computer."  I agree. 

So I have known about Skype for awhile.  I have officially set up my account.  I was able to talk to my friend Emily and her haby Carly.  They live in Cinncinnati.  I miss them.  I was so glad to see them.  Here they are; mother and daughter.

Carly will be two in June, but I took this when I was with them shortly after Carly's birth. Our chat this afternoon made me feel like I was back in their living room again. I can't wait talk to Carly Girl & Emily soon!

Skype udate:  I got connected to Soni too!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Julie & Julia

Here is the first post on the road to the Oscars. 

I saw Julie & Julia via DVD.  I loved it!  This movie played a small part in why I started this blog.  If you don't know the basic idea here it is:

An office worker named Julie Powell needed to feel need in the world, and was inspired by Julia Child to write a blog about her adventure cooking of through Mastering the Art of French Cooking.  The movie chronicles the ups & downs of both women.  Julia Child as she persues her passion of writing a French cookbook for the American cook while living with her husband in Paris.  Julie Powell as she finds that she is able to make an inpact in the universe even though she is a lowly secretary working in a government agency manageing the September 11, 2001 tragedy for the victim's families. 

It was nice to see the history of Julia Child.  The movie showed that she had a great love affair with her husband. I learned that she was not perfect.  She struggled with jelousy of her sister when she conceives a child.  She struggled with pride over wanting to be not only the very best woman, but the very best student in the cooking school.  She struggled with not having enough be enough.  I was glad to see Julia Child was not perfect.  Julia Child was a real woman.  I really like Julia Child.

It was nice to see a woman like me in Julie Powell.  I often say that I work to live, not live to work.  It was nice to see that there was another woman that is searching for something more than just punching a clock. Julie Powell learned a lot about herself through blogging, and that also rings true for me.

I would recomend seeing this movie.

Meryl Streep who played Julia Child is nominated for Best Actress.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rock Trivia Part II

So, I had a friend (let's call him "Yo-Your Blog is Wrong") email me today about Mike + The Mechanics.  This is my attempt to put the record straight.  Mike Rutherford (which is also the name of my childhood  BFF's dad--The cat's name's sake's father) left Genesis to create a new band, and is expained in further detail here:
From: “Yo--Your Blog is Wrong”
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 1:45 PM
Subject: Blog
      So I was reading your blog yesterday and wanted to tell you that Mike and the Mechanics did not use to be Genesis.
“Yo--Your Blog is Wrong “

From: HAM
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 1:46 PM
To: “Yo--Your Blog is Wrong”
Subject: RE: Blog
     Please explain further.

From: “Yo--Your Blog is Wrong”
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: Blog
     It was a solo project for Mike Rutherford, bassist/guitartist for Genesis. Basically he got tired of sitting around with his thumb up his [rear-end] every time Phil Collins wanted to make a solo record so he decided to do something on his own as well.
“Yo--Your Blog is Wrong”

Thank you, "Yo-Your Blog is Wrong", for the information.  I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a crazy dog of the female gender co-worker with the same last name.  Yo, "Yo-Your Blog is Wrong",You're Pretty & Smart.

This Week's Morning Prayer

Every week there is a Morning Prayer that is spoken aloud during Sunday service. (One, among many. Obviously.) Sometimes I cut them from the bulletin, and place them in the little notebook that I carry in my purse. This prayer made me laugh, and I really like things that make me laugh. So, instead of putting this little treasure in my purse, I have taped it to my computer monitor at work.

Here is the prayer that was said in Sunday service yesterday:
Bake of us, O God, a bread of worship. Take this Sunday morning crust of the week and, through your blessing, let the yeast of the Spirit rise. We bring our crumbs of courage, pita of prayer, kolache of listening, and the tortilla, challah, rice cake and naan of our diversity to be shared, so that our community may truly become the Body of Christ in this place and for all your world. Amen.

Have a laugh today. I hope your day is great, and don’t forget you’re pretty & smart.

Challenge:  Who can tell me what the picture is instructing?
1.  It's not a lanyard.- Thanks Rick for playing!
2. It is how to braid!  Thanks Jennifer D.! 

The picture is specifically how to make a challah loaf.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let's Go to the Movies

As you may have already known, or just heard there are 10 best picture nominations. I am not sure how I feel about this increase from 5, but I am looking forward to seeing the ones that I have not seen yet. Over the next month I am going to be viewing these 10 movies as well as 13 other films that had actors nominated or were nominated in other categories, and share my thoughts.

Here are the 2010 Best Picture Nominations:
(James Cameron nominated for Best Director)
The Blind Side
 (Sandra Bullock nominated for Best Actress)
District 9
An Education
(Carey Mulligan nominated for Best Actress)
The Hurt Locker
(Jeremy Renner nominated for Best Actor, Kathryn Bigelow nominated for Best Director)
Inglourious Basterds
(Christoph Waltz nominated for Best Supporting Actor,
Quentin Tarantino nominated for Best Director)
(Gabourey Sidibe nominated for Best Actress, Mo’Nique nominated for Best Supporting Actress,
Lee Daniels nominated for Best Director)
A Serious Man
(also nominated for Best Animated Feature Film)
Up in the Air
(George Clooney nominated for Best Actor, Vera Farmiga &
Anna Kendrick nominated for Best supporting actress, Jason Reitman nominated for Best Director)

I would like to review these other films:
Crazy Heart
(Jeff Bridges nominated for Best Actor, Maggie Gyllenhaall nominated for Best Supporting Actress)
A Single Man
(Colin Firth nominated for Best Actor)
(Morgan Freeman Nominated for Best Actor, Matt Damon nominated for Best Supporting Actor)
The Messenger
(Woody Harrelson nominated for Best Supporting Actor)
The Last Station
(Christopher Plummer nominated for Best Supporting Actor,
Helen Mirren nominated for Best Actress)
The Lovely Bones
(Stanley Tucci nominated for Best Supporting Actor)
Julie & Julia
(Meryl Streep nominated for Best Actress)
(Penelope Cruz nominated for Best Supporting Actress)
Fantastic Mr Fox
The Princess and the Frog
The Secret of Kells
Sherlock Holmes

Wish me luck!  I have a lot to do in the next 32 days!

Friday, January 29, 2010

D&C Lunch Bunch

Almost everyday I have plans for lunch. There are about 7 co-workers that are in my lunch bunch, and there are at least 3 of us that go everyday to eat together. Our group is very diverse. We have Dudes & Chicks. Some of us have kids & some of us don’t. Some of us are natives, and some of us are transplants.

As my time runs short I am taking time to snapshot the great times that I am having with these people that I have become friends with. I am sure that we will all remain friends, but we will never spend the amount of time that we have had since working together.

Yesterday there were 4 of us that went on out for our daily bit of fellowship. I happened to be the only chick there, and I was the only one without kids. My friends were telling me about what it is like being a dad, and what fun they have with their kids. I truly saw joy and bliss in their faces. It was really a great scene.

My wish is that James and I are able to share this kind of love for our children with the world one day.

Rumor disclaimer: I am not now expecting a kid. Just wanted to share this heart warming vision to the masses.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Last Days at Work - Part I

Have you ever had a last day at work?
I have been out of college for about 7 years, and I have been lucky enough to have always had a job. I have moved on from two (about to be three) jobs in my professional career.
My first last day of work was by my choice. I was really unhappy in with the environment that I worked in, and I really needed to get paid more. I put myself out there, and found another job in about a month. I knew that the day I put in my two weeks would be my last day, so I was prepared. My co-workers were a little perturbed that I was leaving, but none the less I went on.
My second last day of work was not by my choice. When they laid me off my boss let me work all day while she was waiting for the HR representative to show up. When the HR Rep finally showed up they called me in, and let me go. They stood over me while I cleared out my desk with tears streaming down. I didn’t want to face my husband. I really take my financial contribution to our household seriously. It really was a slap in my face, and it took me several months to gain my confidence back. If I had to sum up my second last day of work I would say it was awful.
I am soon approaching my third last day of work. The Spanish Overlords that has bought the company I work for has decided that my department has got to go. We were told about 4 months ago, and there was a target date. Now I have been given my sever date. February 19th is my third last day of work. I imagine it will be like the end of a long running sitcom.  You know that the characters will move on, but the audience will no longer be able to observe it. 
I have had a lot of time to be prepared, and I hope that the universe will let me be fruitful in my job search. The main point is that I know. I know that I will be leaving, and I won’t be finding out the day it happens. I am thankful that I have developed the friendships that I have. I am thankful that my managers have appreciated me. I am thankful that I won’t have any regrets about moving on from this place.
My future is bright, and the reason I know this is because I am pretty & smart.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Going to the Homestead

A few weeks ago I sent out a general email to let many folks know that my work email address will not work, and that I was changing my home email address. The address that I have been using is from my internet provider, and a move to the country with leave us without access to the broadband connection that we have loved for so long (*sniff * tear*).

This innocent email has flooded me with questions of where we are going, and why. So here is the down & dirty version. My Jack (step-dad) is from Kansas. Jack’s family still lives there. Jack wants to go back to the Prairie—really bad. My mom is a free spirit/ex-military brat trapped in the body of a responsible mom who wanted a stable home for her pretty & smart daughter (that’s me!). In an attempt not to go to the Prairie to die she has convinced, with help from me, Jack to go the Long Way to Kansas. The plan is to move to Kansas via China, Europe and South America. The Jor-Mat’s are planning a two to three year tour of the world. Jimmy, me, and the Dabies (that’s doggie babies) are going to move to the homestead in the Eastern corner of the county, and keep track of the Aunties. (The Jor-Mats have two Golden Retrievers Candy & Cleo. They are great Aunties to the Dabies.)

The Jor-Mat homestead is a 5.5 acre hay farm. Jimmy & I are going to save some money while living there, and we are going to increase our household living space by about 500 square feet. It is a rural area, and so there goes the Road Runner account!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dotty Day!

Today is the 2nd annual Dotty Day!  James & I adopted this pretty & smart baby in 2008.  Dotty has had a rough road since she came to us.  She has had two bladder stones removed, a spay surgery, and heart worm treatment.  Dotty is going to be 8 on her next birthday, and she still seems like a little puppy-girl.  Dotty is a great big sister to Farrah too.

On a side note, Farrah turned 4 last Saturday.  She has really grown up to be a fine dog. 

Happy Dotty Day, Dotty!  Love, Daddy, Mama, and Sister Farrah.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rock Trivia Anyone?

The other night I was driving home with my husband. I was reminded with great enthusiasm that James is a true music fan. Here is some rock trivia that I was made aware of.

  1. The band Starship was formerly Jefferson Starship which was formerly Jefferson Airplane. All three bands had hit songs. There was a great evolution in the musical sound from Jefferson Airplane to Starship. All three had hit songs.
  2. Mike + The Mechanics used to be Genesis. When Phil Collins went solo the lead guitar & bassist of Genesis came up front to lead the new band Mike + The Mechanics.
  3. One of the best guitar solos of all time, according to James was in Guns 'N Roses song November Rain.
Thanks James! You're pretty & smart.