Friday, January 15, 2010

What is Your Best Asset?

I am about to start interviewing for new jobs. (Remember, I have been laid off, and my job will be ending sometime around the end of Feb?) I have been trying to be proactive, and think of the questions that I could be asked in an interview, so that I can have really great answers. (Please let me know what questions you think I should prepare for.)

One question that I think I will be asked is: What is your best asset? I know I should answer something about how I am a team player, about how I am a quick learner, and the fact that I have a huge enthusiasm for new challenges. What I really want to answer is how great my hair is, and specifically my bangs.

A few months ago I cut bangs into my hair, and it had been YEARS since I had them. Can I just say I love them?! I should have cut them long, long ago. They really frame my face, and with the type of hair that I have they take minimal effort to look fantastic.

I hope that when the time comes my filter is on, and I answer what I know I should say, and not what my bangs are telling me to do.  They will learn that I am pretty & smart in due time.


  1. you could also say your eyelashes!! I am very envious of your ridiculously long eyelashes :)

    A couple other interview questions you might get are "What is your 5-10 year plan?" And "What is your greatest weakness?" :)

  2. Greatest asset - My vote is for your eyelashes and bangs. Sense of humor, too. Excellent work ethic.

  3. I'm with Mom ... your humor is the best!

    I love my bangs too! Changed my life.
