Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Last Days at Work - Part I

Have you ever had a last day at work?
I have been out of college for about 7 years, and I have been lucky enough to have always had a job. I have moved on from two (about to be three) jobs in my professional career.
My first last day of work was by my choice. I was really unhappy in with the environment that I worked in, and I really needed to get paid more. I put myself out there, and found another job in about a month. I knew that the day I put in my two weeks would be my last day, so I was prepared. My co-workers were a little perturbed that I was leaving, but none the less I went on.
My second last day of work was not by my choice. When they laid me off my boss let me work all day while she was waiting for the HR representative to show up. When the HR Rep finally showed up they called me in, and let me go. They stood over me while I cleared out my desk with tears streaming down. I didn’t want to face my husband. I really take my financial contribution to our household seriously. It really was a slap in my face, and it took me several months to gain my confidence back. If I had to sum up my second last day of work I would say it was awful.
I am soon approaching my third last day of work. The Spanish Overlords that has bought the company I work for has decided that my department has got to go. We were told about 4 months ago, and there was a target date. Now I have been given my sever date. February 19th is my third last day of work. I imagine it will be like the end of a long running sitcom.  You know that the characters will move on, but the audience will no longer be able to observe it. 
I have had a lot of time to be prepared, and I hope that the universe will let me be fruitful in my job search. The main point is that I know. I know that I will be leaving, and I won’t be finding out the day it happens. I am thankful that I have developed the friendships that I have. I am thankful that my managers have appreciated me. I am thankful that I won’t have any regrets about moving on from this place.
My future is bright, and the reason I know this is because I am pretty & smart.

1 comment:

  1. You are pretty and smart! I like this post.
