Monday, February 8, 2010

This Week's Morning Prayer

Every week there is a Morning Prayer that is spoken aloud during Sunday service. (One, among many. Obviously.) Sometimes I cut them from the bulletin, and place them in the little notebook that I carry in my purse. This prayer made me laugh, and I really like things that make me laugh. So, instead of putting this little treasure in my purse, I have taped it to my computer monitor at work.

Here is the prayer that was said in Sunday service yesterday:
Bake of us, O God, a bread of worship. Take this Sunday morning crust of the week and, through your blessing, let the yeast of the Spirit rise. We bring our crumbs of courage, pita of prayer, kolache of listening, and the tortilla, challah, rice cake and naan of our diversity to be shared, so that our community may truly become the Body of Christ in this place and for all your world. Amen.

Have a laugh today. I hope your day is great, and don’t forget you’re pretty & smart.

Challenge:  Who can tell me what the picture is instructing?
1.  It's not a lanyard.- Thanks Rick for playing!
2. It is how to braid!  Thanks Jennifer D.! 

The picture is specifically how to make a challah loaf.


  1. Its how to make a braid!

  2. That prayer was hilarious. Laughing about it with you and Calley was fun. xo
